We are upgrading our blog/newsletter posts to include great articles from other authors out there. This will be a great opportunity to share your writing journey with others. We also are accepting book reviews of indie published books and all books from authors who live in the Southern Region of the United States. Of course, if you offer any kind of writing services, book publishing services or even book narrating services we would love to hear from your as well. All articles must be about some aspect of the writing profession.
All articles, once approved, will be posted to each of our social media pages and a promotional video will be created as well. This ia another great opportunity for free publicity and writer’s credit as well. Just write your article, prepare at least one graphic as a featured image and get ready to post. If you have any questions about this process you can always use our CONTACT US form. We encourage you to join our newsletter by CLICKING HERE but it is not required to be considered for publication.
We also offer article publishing opportunities for our online magazines: check out Webs and Blogs for Writers and for those who live in the North Florida region please visit our North Florida Writers Tour website.