June 30 Day Social Media Challenge for Authors –

Calling all authors! 🖊️ Are you looking to reach more readers and increase your book sales? Join our 30-day social media challenge designed just for authors! 📈 Each day, we’ll provide you with a simple task to help boost your online presence and connect with potential readers. From creating engaging posts to utilizing hashtags, we’ve got you covered. 🤩 Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your author platform and attract new readers. Let’s take your writing career to new heights together! 🚀



Join our newsletter and you will get daily book marketing tips, tricks, and fun just for those who have subscribed. This is only for June. Make sure you have verified your subscription and added us to your ‘safe list”. After June we will go back to our regularly scheduled once-a-month newsletter. The tips and tricks newsletters will be archived for later viewing but for each person who signs up for our newsletter, we will also make sure to like, subscribe, and comment on your own newsletters and social media posts during the month. This will be a great way to boost your viewing numbers. We only ask that you do the same for us. CLICK HERE

Mastodon Accounts

We recently attended an online seminar about the social media platform called Mastodon. It is a different kind of app that is sectioned off into different servers. Each server is run by volunteers who purchase a domain and add it to the massive network of Mastodon. Each has their own rules of conduct but also must adhere to the general rules of the company. Since this is new we will be using it for the next 30 days to automatically post content from our websites. Let’s see where this goes! We are @sodragonpublishing@bookstodon.com – You can join in the fun by signing up for an account with the Book related server: https://bookstodon.com/home

As of March 2023, Mastodon had over 10 million registered users, with 1.8 million monthly active users. In July 2023, founder and CEO Eugen Rochko said that the number of monthly active users had crossed 2 million

Copy and paste these hashtags to help us all connect over the next 30 days


Jolene’s Book and Writers Talk Podcast – Season 3

Join in on our exclusive newsletter content that goes out monthly. We have upcoming challenges, prizes, as well as exclusive insiders tips and suggestions about self-publishing, digital marketing and more. Subscribe today.
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