
You would think that that old song, “Video Killed the Radio Star”. would be a precursor to us writers thinking that we might be replaced by an AI (artificial intelligence software) soon. But seriously, how can an A.I. imagine new worlds, think up crazy love scenes, or just be really creative on their own without regurgitating past novels? But I digress…

You need more and more different ways to show people your books, explain your stories and get them interested in purchasing them so you can, in turn, have enough money to keep creating more. Videos, for now, are the way to reach more and more people these days. Our attention spans are very low and funny, insightful, and colorful videos grab our attention. So here is a write-up of some of the videos we can create for you. Check our Services and Costs Page under Digital Marketing for more information.

Create Book Trailers

We can create a short book trailer for marketing your book from public domain photos, quotes from your book, and/or any pictures you used to inspire your story. These are generally only 15 to 60 seconds long and can include music to match the mood of the book or use a voice recording throughout.

If you provide us with a copy of your story we will be happy to read through it and grab out some quotes to use unless you have them already. We will also need a copy of your eBook cover. We try to keep the file size down as small as possible so we can email it back to you as an attachment. If there is a problem with the size we can upload it to a shared drive long enough for you to download it and then delete it afterward. You will be able to upload these to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts. They will be saved in MP4 format which is compatible with almost all social media and website software. We ask for at least a 7 day lead time per video.

Create Book Commercials

Create Book Commercials that are between 1 to 3-minute commercials for your book when it goes on sale, will be premiering soon, or just to keep the momentum going during major shopping days throughout the year. These are simple commercials with information, pictures (perhaps a short recording inside your office), and recordings of your voice as a narration or you doing stand-up.

We add the transition effects, animations, and other items to get your message across. These will be saved in MP4 format which is compatible with almost all social media and website software. You can self-host the video on your website, upload it to your social media pages or create your own Youtube page and upload it there for easier sharing. We ask for at least one week’s lead time per project. If you need the project saved in any other media format let us know prior to the completion of the project.

Create Author Intro Videos

We would love to help you create your author intro video. They are generally 5 to 15 minutes and we try to make them fun and informative for your current and future readers. We can schedule an appointment to record your video in any location in the North Florida area that you would like. We just need someplace quiet, good light, and your planned dialogue all ready and practiced. We can also help you plan out your video, what you are going to say, pictures of your books, etc. Once completed we will edit your video to get rid of any unwanted background noises, add links to your website and social media pages, and where to purchase your books.

Each video will conform to the sponsor’s requirements in size and format. We will also create a Thumbnail Poster for the video using your promo photo and copies of your books around you, saves in jpeg format that you can post to your website and social media pages to advertise your participation.

Once completed we will upload the video and thumbnail picture to our secure online cloud service for you to download directly to your website and we can forward it onto the Sunshine State Book Festival Technician to upload to their server for the festival.

You must pay for your service first and we will contact you via email to schedule the date and time.

Format Stories for eBook or Paperback Publication

We can prepare your stories for self-publication in one of the four following editions:

  • Kindle eBook – .mobi
  • Smashwords Compliant using the “Smashwords Style Guide” – -which will convert it to epub and various other formats.
  • ePub for publication on iBook, Google Books, Barnes, and Noble – .ePub
  • Paperback upload in Acrobat Reader PDF to Amazon or Ingram Sparks – converting WORD into PDF if needed

You will need to provide your own JPEG in the correct size and shape for your eBook Cover for each of the vendors you wish to publish your book. If you need a book cover design there will be an additional charge. If you want your book formated into the other two editions that will be an additional fee. All files will be returned to you once completed. If they do not pass the vendor’s inspection we will be happy to make whatever corrections they require to get them to pass. However, we do not make corrections on the eBook covers that were not created by us.

For more information on pricing and purchasing please check out our Services and Costs Page.

More Information on Video for Authors by – CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE

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