Top 5 Reasons to Self Publish Your Books

Top 5 Reasons to Self Publish Your Books

Top 5 Reasons to Self-Publish Your Books

As a multi-book published non-fiction author, I’ve had the opportunity to experience self-publishing for myself as well as my clients over the last 10 years. While there are pros and cons to traditional as well as indie publishing, I’ve found that self-publishing offers a number of advantages that can help you get your book into the hands of readers faster and more easily.

More About Our Self Publishing Package

More About Our Self Publishing Package

This week we thought we would go over some of the details for our Economical Self-Publishers Package. We have created a service for those authors who are fine with their own marketing strategies. Hopefully, they already have everything in place including knowing which service they want to use for eBook, paperback, and, for some, hardback copies of their books. We recommend purchasing your own ISBN. Then register your manuscript with the Copyright Office. Finally, pre-list your book with the Library of Congress. After you get your printed copies of your book send 2 to LOC for their collection in Washington D.C.

We Help Authors Get Published

We Help Authors Get Published

Do you need help getting your book published?

Our professional consultant at Southern Dragon Publishing is ready and able to assist you in all phases of self-publishing in today’s marketplace. We can format your book for all major self-publishing companies. We will provide the correct formatting for your eBook, paperback, and hardback versions of your story. We will ensure that it passes the company’s editors before we are finished with your project.

We can design a book cover for you that will be in the size and type required by your chosen publishing service. We will also provide you with 5 different mock-ups of your book for your marketing plan. Our videographer can create a book trailer using your book covers and quotes inside your book or from your synopsis. Which is so necessary these days for an effective marketing strategy.

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